I’ll give you a hint: Think about High School…
More precisely think about the social order of high school. Who ended up being homecoming/prom King & Queen? More often than not it was the most popular and relevant kids that everyone wanted to be around.
Climbing to the top of the search engine, also known as Search Engine Optimization should really be called Reputation Building.
All search engines have one goal…give the person searching what they want. Sometimes search engines need to be a little intuitive to give the best results. But the goal is to provide the most relevant and reputable results to the end user.
But here’s the rub. Search engines have different ways they define your online reputation. So called “professionals” know what search engines look for. However at the end of the day, we don’t control the list of results. No one does!!!
So the next time someone comes-a-calling claiming they can guarantee to get you on top, let your gut be your truth teller.
Well then, “what does it take to build your website’s reputation and ultimately your positioning on the search engine’s?” you may ask.
Here are the 3 Keys to Top Search Engine Placement
- Add value with quality information. – People are so desperate for true value. They will pay for it when they believe they have found it. This is true for search engines as well. Give your audience a dummies guide to your business. The easier it is to figure out if you are relevant and reputable, the more search engines will reward you with higher search placement.
- Go wide |Build Diversity – In the offline networking world you build your reputation by having as many people as possible recommend you as reputable. It’s your word of mouth network. Online this is done by getting high quality and quantity traffic to your website. Inbound links from reputable and relevant websites, Social Media sites like Blogger, YouTube, Facebook and Twitter (just to name a few), plus targeted online PR and strategic Article marketing are key strategies to accomplishing this goal.
- Have Patience…and lots of it. – Sometimes you’ll show up overnight, most times you won’t. Keep things in perspective. In the world of Search Engine Optimization, there is only ONE top “organic” placement per keyword. It’s just like that game we played as kids “King of the Mountain” You are going to have to fight to get there…Then you must fight to stay there.
At the end of the day getting to the top search engine placement over time is built on the same principles as the real world. Build your reputation…and they will come!